

Household waste (240L) Container Order form

Terms and Conditions:

  1. It is hereby understood that the container is placed by BI WASTE and remain the property of BI WASTE. 
  2. It is hereby understood that when the Owner vacates the property, the 240 litre container shall not be removed except by BI WASTE. All equipment supplied by BI WASTE shall remain the sole and exclusive property of BI WASTE.
  3. No signage or markings shall be made by the Owner (except printing from BI WASTE) or any other party on the container. 
  4. No hot ash is permitted in containers. 
  5. Any household waste bags placed next to the full container shall require a second bin and the owner must apply for this.
  6. Garden waste removal shall be additional to my / our household waste and an additional form shall be completed should I / we require this service.
  7. BI WASTE hereby agree to ensure that all equipment provided shall be kept in good order and condition and will be replaced by BI Waste on normal wear & tear.